If we die, it takes a long time to get back to the practice. So you’ve got this opportunity right now. Focus on the “right now” because it’s a place where the practice is done and where you can make a difference.
"Think: “What duty needs to be done? I’ll do it today, I’ll do it right now, because who knows, I may not have this chance tomorrow, or even a few moments from now.” If we die, it takes a long time to get back to the practice. Think how long it took you in this lifetime to find your way to sitting right here, learning how to train the mind. If you’re not careful, the next time around may be a lot longer than that. So you’ve got this opportunity right now. Focus on the “right now” because it’s a place where the practice is done and where you can make a difference.
That is what it means to be with the present: to see it clearly and — once you see clearly what’s going on — to realize what your duties are right now. Then you do them. That’s when being in the present moment is really auspicious."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "In the Present" (Meditations8)
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