Develop Right View, developing the Eightfold Path right here, right in front of your nose, not in your anticipation of where you want to go

"The causes will take care of the results. It’s not the case that by imagining results you’re going to get the causes to go in that direction. If that were the case, Right Imagination would be one of the steps on the path. But it’s not. What you want to do is develop the path, develop Right View. So concentration, mindfulness — all the elements of the Eightfold Path — are things to be developed. And where do you find the things to be developed? They’re right here, right in front of your nose. That’s where the work is to be done — not in your anticipation of where you’re going to go, but in paying really close attention to the breath right here and now. This is your path."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Laying the Infrastructure"


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