You’ve got lots of kamma accounts at different stages of development. All you can see at any one moment are the seeds that are currently sprouting. As for the other seeds that haven’t yet sprouted, good or bad, you can’t see those at all.

Question 6. Is it true that “If you want to see a person’s past actions, look at his present condition; if you want to see his future condition, look at his present actions”?

Thanissaro Bhikkhu: That’s much too simplistic. It implies that you have a single kamma account, like a bank account, with your present situation showing the running balance.

As mentioned above, kamma is like seeds in a field. You’re planting kamma seeds in your field with every intention, and those seeds mature at different rates. So you’ve got lots of kamma accounts at different stages of development. All you can see at any one moment are the seeds that are currently sprouting. As for the other seeds that haven’t yet sprouted, good or bad, you can’t see those at all.

~ Karma Q & A, a Study Guide


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