Remember the acrobats. You have to maintain your balance and in doing so, you help other people maintain theirs. If you’re reaching over to straighten out their balance, you’re leaning over. And of course, that causes other people to lean over as well, and everybody falls down.
"We can look at each other and give rise either to desire or dislike, but that doesn’t accomplish anything. It simply pulls us down. No matter how much you feel that your desire to straighten other people out is a good desire, you’re looking in the wrong place. Remember the acrobats. You have to maintain your balance and in doing so, you help other people maintain theirs. If you’re reaching over to straighten out their balance, you’re leaning over. And of course, when you’re leaning over, it causes other people to lean over as well, and everybody falls down."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Look at Yourself"
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