As the Buddha said, you don’t go to heaven or to hell because of other people’s actions. Even within this lifetime, people can mistreat you but if your mind is well trained you don’t suffer. People can treat you well but if you’re mind isn’t trained, you’ll suffer.

"They’ve got us thinking that we’ve got to be hooked into the news cycle in order to be informed about the world. But your world is shaped primarily by what you’re doing right now, so you want to make sure that you’re doing it really skillfully. Your life will be affected by other people’s actions, that’s for sure, but the really important actions are the ones you’re doing.

As the Buddha said, you don’t go to heaven or to hell because of other people’s actions. Even within this lifetime, people can mistreat you but if your mind is well trained you don’t suffer. People can treat you well but if you’re mind isn’t trained, you’ll suffer.

It’s the training of the mind that makes all the difference. So try to focus your attention here and keep it here as continuously as you can."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Informed About Your World"


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