While you’re making the decision to act, that’s something you are responsible for. You do have control there. So, the Buddha says, focus your attention on the area where you do have control and make the most of it.

"Ajaan Suwat once gave a Dhamma talk on how karma is not not-self. You don’t ever see the Buddha saying that your karma is not-self. The results of karma are not-self. Once you’ve done something, the results lie outside your control. You’ve set a series of conditions in motion and now you can’t call them back. But while you’re making the decision to act, that’s something you are responsible for. You do have control there. So, he says, focus your attention on the area where you do have control and make the most of it. You can choose to cause suffering. You can choose to cause temporary happiness. You can choose to cause lasting happiness. You could choose to find the end of suffering. These are choices you can make."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Control"


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