The Buddha was never interested in laying blame. He was more interested in analyzing a problem and seeing what you were doing to cause the problem so that you could stop doing that and actually solve the problem.

"I’ve been reading recently about how some modern Dhamma teachers don’t like the idea of kamma. They say it’s laying blame on people for the sufferings they meet with in life. But the Buddha was never interested in laying blame. He was more interested in analyzing a problem and seeing what you were doing to cause the problem so that you could stop doing that and actually solve the problem.

The purpose of his analysis is to show how you’re responsible for things so that you can be responsible for the solution. If you think you’re not responsible for the cause, you try to throw things off on other people, and nothing gets accomplished. That’s the ordinary nature of the world. It’s always been that way: people blaming other people for their problems. The blame gets thrown around, and the problems never get solved.

But here we are, watching what arises in the present moment because we can do something about it."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Power Is in Your Hands"


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