Good Heart, Good Mind: The Practice of the Ten Perfections (Q&A)
Question: Could you give the Pāli term for each perfection?
Thanissaro Bhikkhu: Dāna is giving, sīla is virtue, nekkhamma is renunciation, paññā is discernment, viriya is persistence, khanti is endurance or patience, sacca is truth, adhiṭṭhāna is determination, mettā is goodwill, and upekkhā is equanimity.
Question: What is the relationship between the perfections and kamma?
Thanissaro Bhikkhu: They’re qualities of mind that will determine whether you will make good kamma or bad kamma — in other words, good or bad intentional actions. Everything in the Buddha’s teachings except for nibbāna is related to kamma.
~ Good Heart, Good Mind: The Practice of the Ten Perfections
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