The principle of action and result can be a means to happiness if you understand how to use it properly. Construct healthy and nourishing thoughts. You have it within your power to do so. So try to make the most of that opportunity.

"Kamma can be a means to happiness if you understand how to use it properly — the principle of action and result. It all comes down to developing good qualities of the mind. You notice that certain ways of thinking are skillful. They take burdens off the mind. They help nourish the mind. So encourage those ways of thinking, because if you don’t, you’ll develop other habits in the mind. It may seem artificial to focus on these habits, but then the construction of the present moment is always something artificial. There’s a large element of intention in every experience, so you might as well intend to do it well. Construct healthy and nourishing thoughts. You have it within your power to do so. So try to make the most of that opportunity."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "May I Be Happy"


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