The Buddha said good kamma is noble wealth that fire can’t burn, floods can’t wash away, nobody can steal. It’s yours. Even as you leave this lifetime, it goes with you. You’re independently wealthy in a way that’s really secure.

"The Buddha talks about your good kamma as being like wealth, noble wealth: the kind of wealth that fire can’t burn, floods can’t wash away, nobody can steal. It’s yours. Even as you leave this lifetime, it goes with you. In some ways, it actually goes before you, prepares the way. So it’s good to think about that kind of wealth, because it comes from inside. It’s something you can create yourself. It’s not like the wealth of the world where you have to work for somebody else and only then do they give it to you. You create it yourself. You’re independently wealthy in a way that’s really secure."

~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Economy of Goodness"


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